Make it official
You found volunteers. Now what!?
Some chapter members may want a less frequent or less formal volunteer opportunity with your chapter. That’s okay too! Follow these steps to ensure your chapter volunteers have checked all the boxes.
Chapter Leadership Team members, ask the participant to text “Leadership” to 844-779-6749
Volunteers, ask the participant to text “Volunteer” to 844-779-6749
Or, take a screenshot of the QR codes below for the participant to capture from your phone
- They will be given two links
- “Join a chapter” from the YPR website. This will allow you to see the participant in YPR Community.
- Either the “Chapter Leadership Team Policy” or “Volunteer Policy” to electronically sign.
- Once the participant has joined the chapter and signed the agreement, log in to YPR Community and designate them as a member of your team.
- Navigate to your chapter page.
- Select “Related.”
- Select “View All Contacts” in the bottom right of the contact section.
- Select the participant’s name.
- Click the box indicating the Leadership Commitment Policy/Volunteer Policy has been signed.
- Select “Leadership Position” and indicate the participant’s role.
Chapter Leadership Team Sign-up QR Code

Chapter Volunteer Sign-up QR Code