RCI - Gloo Platform
Updated 6/1/2023
RCI for Chapter LeaDs
The RCI platform is a tool for assessing recovery capital, allows chapter leads to communicate with their participants, and provides valuable feedback on YPR program effectiveness. This document will outline leveraging the RCI platform and provide an overview of its features and terminology.
The Goal: Give YPR participants a tool to measure their recovery capital and maintain engagement with YPR.
To accomplish both goals with RCI, we need to consider how our chapters align within the YPR as an organization. To do this, the chart below depicts the different levels of engagement a participant can have with YPR.

Creating groups allow us to segment the population of participants for communication and data purposes. As the image above shows, chapter activities, the chapter, and on up to the national level, these segments of participants should be thought about as groups.
Chapter Leads: Groups are created for you. If you have a one-off event, please contact your Chapter Coordinator or Program Manager to have a new group and keyword created.
Keywords will allow a participant to text in and automatically assign the participant to a group or series. These keywords will be specific to your chapter and the event type. From a program reporting perspective, RCI will track attendance and allow for evaluation of the support services that YPR offers.
Chapter Leads: Keywords are created for you. At every chapter and program event, these keywords should be offered to your program participants. A participant texting in is not required at chapter activities, however it should be encouraged.
At program events, the mandatory use of the Recovery Capital Index depends on your funding grant. Please confirm with your Program Manager. We understand that not everyone has access to a cell phone. If use of the Recovery Capital Index is not optional, and cell phone access is a barrier at your program site, there are solutions in place.
Assigning an “effect” to a keyword will add that participant to a group.
In the example below, a “keyword automation” was created for the group San Diego, CA- Hype but Chill Yoga.
The keywords created to add participants to that group are sdyoga, sdhype, and
sd hype. Creating multiple keywords can help anticipate any texting errors.
The assigned effect added that participant to the chapter event group, the chapter, the region, and all YPR participants.
A broadcast is how you communicate with a group of participants.
There are many ways to use a “survey.” The image below is of the “texting simulator” in the tools section of the RCI platform. The series was created to get feedback on the Pro-Social options and keep the participants engaged in what the chapter is planning.
Let’s combine it all to look at how the process works
- First, we create the group.
- What groups does your chapter need?
- Create the keyword
- Assign effects to the keyword to automatically put that person in groups. These will include each group up to the top of the organization.
- Chapter event group
- Chapter
- Region/Grant
- All Participants
- Send or schedule a broadcast to inform your participants about chapter activities.
This guide is only a general overview to get acquainted with the basic features of the RCI platform. However, these skills will help build a solid foundation to offer our participants RCI to assess their recovery journey and maintain engagement with YPR
New Chapter Onboarding:
As a new chapter is onboarding, the Chapter Coordinator or Program Manager will set up new groups and keywords for chapters. To complete this task, follow these steps.
1. Create Groups
2. Create Keywords
3. Assign Effects
Existing Chapter Onboarding:
When a new chapter lead is taking over a chapter, the chapter lead needs to receive their RCI keywords and gain Gloo platform access.
- Misspelling- if the keyword you want to create is frequently misspelled, create a keyword for the misspelled word.
- Autocorrect- sometimes, a phone will auto-correct what the participant intended to enter. We can see this on the back end and help the participant.
- If scheduling for later, consider how much notice you want to give and when people are more likely to pay attention to a message, i.e., before or after regular work hours.
- “Send now” isn’t immediate. There might be a 5-10 minute lag time.