
Training and Education

To start the process of registering for the next Mental Health First Aid Training, please click the link.

Mental Health and First Aid Training 

Importance of Mental Health First Aid Training:

At YPR, we understand the significance of mental health in overall well-being. Offering Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training to all staff members is a critical step in ensuring that our team is equipped to support individuals in crisis and foster a compassionate and understanding environment.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid is a training program that teaches individuals how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This training provides skills needed to offer initial help and guide a person towards appropriate professional support.

Goals of MHFA Training:

  1. Increase Awareness:
    Enhance understanding of mental health issues and reduce stigma.
  2. Recognize Signs:
    Equip staff with the ability to recognize early signs of mental health issues and substance use disorders.
  3. Provide Support:
    Teach practical skills for providing initial support to someone experiencing a mental health crisis or struggling with substance use.
  4. Guide to Professional Help:
    Provide knowledge on how to guide individuals towards appropriate professional help and resources.

Training Components:

  • Introduction to Mental Health:
    Understanding mental health, mental illness, and substance use disorders.
  • Common Mental Health Disorders:
    Overview of common mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, and substance use disorders.
  • Crisis Management:
    How to handle crises such as panic attacks, suicidal behaviors, non-suicidal self-injury, and acute psychosis.
  • Communication Skills:
    Effective communication techniques for supporting individuals in distress.
  • Professional Resources:
    Information on available resources and how to connect individuals with professional help.

Benefits of MHFA Training:

  • Enhanced Staff Competency:
    Staff will be better equipped to handle mental health crises and provide effective support.
  • Improved Workplace Environment:
    Creating a more supportive and understanding workplace culture.
  • Better Outcomes for Individuals:
    Early intervention and support can lead to better outcomes for individuals experiencing mental health issues.
  • Strengthened Community Relationships:
    Demonstrating our commitment to mental health can enhance our relationships with the communities we serve.

By offering Mental Health First Aid training, YPR is taking a proactive step towards creating a safer, more supportive environment for both our staff and the individuals we serve. This training aligns with our mission to foster recovery and support for all.

YPR Academy is a monthly training initiative dedicated to fostering comprehensive understanding and skill-building in various areas of recovery. Each session delves into essential topics such as harm reduction, peer support, advocacy, and mental health, providing participants with evidence-based strategies and practical tools. Our goal is to empower individuals in recovery, allies, and professionals with the knowledge and resources necessary to enhance their impact within their communities. Through YPR Academy, we aim to cultivate a supportive learning environment that promotes continuous growth and effective recovery support practices.

YPR Academy

YPR Community is our data reporting tool. To view the guide, please click the link.


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Identify and Maintain Passion For Our Work

Motivation Definition: The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

Defining Passion: A strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement either for something or about doing something.

Identify Passion: Within the scope of YPR, asset mapping can assist in identifying passion for the work that is done. Asset mapping is a great way to test any barriers or gaps within services your community has. Once the avenues of need are identified, you can choose what area of need aligns with your passion.

Maintaining Passion: Throughout the chapter’s advocacy project, the need to maintain passion can be real. Noticing the need to sustain passion is a true indication you may need some self-care time. Take a look at the Health and Wellness document to get an idea of what self-care is for you, how to implement self-care, and the YPR wellness program.

Steps to Stay Passionate About Your Work:

  1. Understand Your Impact: Taking a look at the chapter data will allow you to see the impacted population of your advocacy efforts.

  2. Embrace the Adventure and Take Risks: Send out that email, make that phone call! The worst one can say is no, and that’s okay! Go speak at town halls, testify at the state level, and so on!

  3. Keep Passionate Company: Collaborate with community stakeholders and join workgroup meetings that align with your advocacy efforts. This can be done by revisiting the asset map you created.

  4. Don’t Label Yourself as an Expert: The world of recovery is always changing. Please create space to keep learning all of the new avenues, outlooks, and areas of interest.

  5. Always Show Honesty, Moral Principles, and Willingness to Collaborate.

  6. Relinquish Perfectionism: Allowing mistakes and room for improvement is key to maintaining self-improvement.

  7. Change Things Up: Get with stakeholders and brainstorm items of action. Create ideas and maybe reassess Asset Mapping.

  8. Read Up on Intrinsic Motivation.

  9. Know Your “Why”: Simon Sinek speaks about “our why,” which is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives every one of us. The core of our capacity as leaders lies in our ability to identify our Why and always return to it as a source of motivation. Sometimes, when things get challenging, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture; however, if we’ve really thought about WHY we’re doing something, the “what” and “how” become clearer and more sustainable.

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