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May 2024

Click the task for more information. If you have any questions, reach out to your Program Manager.


International Harm Reduction Day is observed on May 7th each year. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about harm reduction strategies aimed at minimizing the negative consequences associated with drug use and other high-risk behaviors.

Harm reduction emphasizes practical strategies such as needle exchange programs, opioid substitution therapy, safe injection sites, and education to reduce the health, social, and economic harms related to substance use. The goal of International Harm Reduction Day is to promote compassion, evidence-based approaches, and policies that prioritize the well-being and dignity of individuals who use drugs or engage in other risky behaviors.

What does this mean for YPR chapters, you ask?

Hosting events and spreading awareness!

International Harm Reduction Day serves several important purposes:

  • Raise Awareness: Events provide a platform to raise awareness about the principles and practices of harm reduction. Many people may not be familiar with these approaches or may have misconceptions about them. Events offer an opportunity to educate the public, policymakers, and stakeholders about the importance and effectiveness of harm-reduction strategies. You can also utilize your social media platform to connect people with resources and YPR’s Harm Reduction Toolkit. 
  • Advocacy: Events can be used for advocacy efforts to promote policies and practices that support harm reduction. This includes advocating for the expansion of harm reduction services, funding for programs, and changes in laws and regulations that hinder harm reduction efforts. A fantastic opportunity to talk about the Good Samaritan Law in your state.
  • Community Engagement: Events bring together individuals and communities affected by drug use and other high-risk behaviors. They provide a space for people to share their experiences, support each other, and build networks. Community engagement is crucial for the success of harm reduction initiatives as it helps create a sense of solidarity and empowerment among those affected.
  • Stigma Reduction/Recovery Messaging: Harm reduction initiatives often face stigma and discrimination. Hosting events on International Harm Reduction Day can help challenge stereotypes and reduce the stigma associated with drug use and other related behaviors. By showcasing the human side of these issues and highlighting the effectiveness of harm reduction approaches, events can contribute to changing attitudes and perceptions.
  • Policy Impact: Events can be used to engage policymakers and stakeholders in discussions about the importance of harm reduction and its potential impact on public health and safety. By bringing together experts, advocates, and decision-makers, events can facilitate dialogue and collaboration, leading to policy changes that support harm reduction efforts.


Overall, hosting events on International Harm Reduction Day provides an opportunity to foster understanding, support, and action toward reducing the harms associated with drug use and other risky behaviors, ultimately promoting health, safety, and dignity for all individuals.


Coreen Johnson

YPR- Senior Project Coordinator

  • Promote International Harm Reduction Day

    Scroll below for more information about planning events and promoting International Harm Reduction Day, May 7th!

  • Lucero- Free Access to Caregivers and their youth

    We have partnered with Lucero, a research informed wellness app for adolescents. Lucero is a game based app that guides youth in implementing healthy habits in the pursuit of those goals, and reflect on their progress, all while encouraging self-discovery and self-care. The caregiver portal connects adults with the resources they need to support the complex experiences of their youth. Click the check mark to the left, for more information.

  • Share Event Photos

    We want to see all the amazing things you do! Share your event photos in the #socialshareworthy slack!

  • Utilize RCI at Events

    At every event, provide the check in code for participants. This can be done through a QR code or asking participants to text the keyword. Chapter leads need to check in to every event while asking the same of your participants. Connect with your chapter coordinator if you have any questions.

  • Upload Event Data

    Upload all Chapter and Program event data.

  • Submit Events to Website calendar

    Submit all events open to the community to the YPR event calendar. Every chapter should have all recovery meetings, pro-socials, workshops, and advocacy events on the calendar.

  • Sign Up to host a narm

    There are still several spots remaining throughout 2024. Feel free to sign up for more than one session! We love the variation in meeting hosts, so if you have chapter members who would be interested in hosting at the National level, please encourage them to contact Rocky Doom to sign up!